Go to Peru

Post-treatment program #1

  • Experience Cusco

  • Enjoy an authentic two-day hike to machu Picchu

  • Visit Rainbow mountain( Optional)

Ready for an Adventure?

Your safety comes first. Our guides will have satellite phones on our treks! Our guides are local tour operators who are licensed leaders in the field of tourism in Peru. We are focused on care and quality while providing a unique travel experience. Our trip is designed to provide everything for inexperienced travelers. Our local guides will receive us at the Airport, and we will be guided every step of the way. We will enjoy a two day short Inca Trail hike with a hotel stay which will allow us to visit the most beautiful views of Machu Picchu. Achieving the hike to Machu Picchu will bring out the Survivor within! We will enjoy the local food and drinks, and we will visit a traditional family making Chicha beer. Participate in the lifestyle of the locals and learn about the local communities to experience a new sense of purpose! Also experience a day trip to the spectacular Rainbow Mountain at 5200m above sea level. Check for availability.

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Get Involved…



Are you a patient who needs to move on with life? Do you experience post-treatment symptoms and need help to overcome your anxiety, depression, or loss of a sense of purpose? Sign up


Travelogion Volunteers are passionate people, many of whom are caretakers, students, and or brain tumor survivors themselves. If you want to help, join our community! Donate your time and talent!


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